

The India Review® focusses on latest news and reviews on India. Abbreviated as TIR, The India Review is published by UK EPC Ltd.
The title was first published more than 175 years ago in February 1843. This carried the biographical sketches with portrait of Lieutenent-General Sir Huge Gough, the Colonel of the 87th, or Royal Irish Fusilers. “The India Review” was published again from London in 1932 as a fortnightly journal on Indian affairs which was known earlier, between 1929 to 1932 as ‘Indian News’. As per the library records, the publication ceased with v. 4, no. 21, Nov. 26, 1932.
“The India Review” was resurrected, by Umesh Prasad, in 2018 and the publication started again from England on 10 August 2018 in the form of web portal.

The India Review
Title The India Review
Short Title TIR
Website www.TheIndiaReview.com
Country of publication United Kingdom
The Publisher UK EPC LTD
Trademark The title ‘’The India Review’’ is a registered trademark UK00003292821
ISNI 0000 0005 0715 1546
VIAF ID 8743165814879259860006
Wikidata ID Q110981579
History History of ”The India Review
Editor Umesh Prasad
Language & translated versions Language of publication of ‘The India Review’ is English.
For the convenience of non-English readers, neural translations (machine-based) of the articles are made available in multiple languages, for better comprehension. Translations are of very high quality however absolute accuracy, all the time, is not guaranteed.

The Publisher

Country United Kingdom
Legal entity Company Number:10459935 Registered in England (Details)
Registered office address Charwell House, Wilsom Road, Alton, Hampshire GU34 2PP
United Kingdom
Ringgold ID 632658
Research Organization Registry
D-U-N-S number 222180719
RoMEO publisher ID 3265
DOI Prefix 10.29198
Website www.UKEPC.uk
Trademarks 1. UKIPO 1036986,1275574
2. EUIPO 83839
3. USPTO 87524447
4. WIPO 1345662
Crossref membership Yes. The publisher is a member of Crossref (Click here for details)
Portico membership Yes, the publisher is a member of Portico for digital preservation of contents (Click here for details)
iThenticate membership Yes, the publisher is a member of iThenticate (Crossref Similarity Check services)
Publisher’s Policy Click here for detailed Publisher’s Policy
Peer-reviewed Journals 1. European Journal of Sciences (EJS):
ISSN 2516-8169 (Online) 2516-8150 (Print)

2. European Journal of Social Sciences (EJSS):

ISSN 2516-8533 (Online) 2516-8525 (Print)

3. European Journal of Law and Management (EJLM)*:

Status –ISSN awaited; to be launched

4. European Journal of Medicine and Dentistry (EJMD)*:

Status –ISSN awaited; to be launched
Journals and Magazines 1. Scientific European
ISSN 2515-9542 (Online) 2515-9534 (Print)

2. India Review

ISSN 2631-3227 (Online) 2631-3219 (Print)

3. Middle East Review*:

To be launched.
(News and feature)
1. The India Review (TIR News)

2. Bihar World
World Conference*
(for convergence and collaboration of academics, scientists, researchers and professionals)
World Conference 
Education* UK Education
*To be launched